VMIX-10, 10 giriş – 6 mono giriş ve 2 stereo giriş sunan Volca formatında bir mikserdir. Her kanalın seviye, pan ve çift FX send kontrolleriyle birlikte her kanalın mute düğmesi vardır.
6 mono input channels with minijack sockets each
2 stereo input channels with stereo minijack sockets for each
click-free mute buttons per channels
per channel: level, pan and two FX-send knobs
2 FX send-return sections (send mono, return stereo)
master level control
stereo headphone output with separate level control
four 9V power supply outputs for Volca boxes or other devices
The case size is identical with the Volca series, so the VMIX10 should fit exactly in the Volca stands that are available from different suppliers.
It includes a power supply adapter with snap-on plugs for EU, UK and US (AU on request).
Price: 145 Euro