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Vaemi's new product, the Mini Mixer, is a mono analog mixer with 4 channels and 3.5mm mini jack inputs and outputs, designed for use in stage performances or recordings with all your line and analog equipment. Each channel features a saturation function, and it has a specially designed jack input for the 4th channel.

When the 4th channel and jack input are empty, the mixer’s master output is rerouted to the inputs, creating a "feedback" circuit. This feature allows the sound gain to increase by approximately 6 times, significantly raising the saturation level of the mixer. If an instrument is connected to the 4th channel, the feedback signal is disabled when the jack is plugged in, and the instrument's sound becomes part of the summing. When the channels are muted, the feedback enters self-oscillation.

Each channel includes potentiometers for adjusting the volume. Additionally, there are mute switches for each channel. When the channels are active, the “CH 1” label and the labels on other channels light up green to indicate that the channel is open. The “Output” label lights up in blue depending on the intensity of the audio signal.

The Vaemi Mini Mixer can operate with any DC adapter between 8V and 16V or a 9V battery, making it suitable for use in any environment.

Mini Mixer Features

  • 4-Channel Analog Mixer: Suitable for stage performances and recordings with all line and analog equipment.
  • 3.5mm Mini Jack Inputs and Outputs: Compact design for portability and easy connection.
  • Saturation Feature: Provides saturation control to increase the intensity of the sound on each channel.
  • Special Feedback Circuit: When the 4th channel is empty, the mixer’s master output is routed back to the 4th channel input, creating a feedback.
  • Feedback can increase the gain by approximately 6 times and provides more saturation.
  • Feedback enters self-oscillation
  • Instrument Input: When an instrument is connected to the 4th channel, the feedback signal is disabled and the channel’s audio signal is included in the summing.
  • Volume Adjustments: Potentiometers available for adjusting the volume on each channel.
  • Mute Switches: Mute (silence) functionality available for each channel.
  • Channel Status Indicator: The “CH 1” label on active channels lights up green to show the channel is open.
  • Signal Level Indicator: The “Output” label lights up in blue according to the intensity of the audio signal.
  • Power Source: Can operate with DC adapters between 8V and 16V or a 9V battery.
  • Portable Use: Compact design makes it suitable for use in any environment.


130mm (length) x 70mm (width) x 60mm (height)

Power Consumption and Power Supply Information

It can operate with a 9V battery and can also be used with adapters providing DC voltage between 8V and 18V.

The current supplied by the adapter must be at least 20mA for the device to operate. In this case, power consumption can vary between 0.05W and 0.18W depending on load requirements.


The inputs are AC Coupled and have a 10k impedance. All inputs are "Mono".


The output has a 1k impedance and a maximum of 4 Vpp. It is AC Coupled and "Mono".

(Inputs and outputs impedance values were tested at a frequency of 1 kHz and with a 1 Vpp sine wave.)

The channel potentiometers increase gain at a x1 level when turned clockwise to the 12 o'clock position. When the potentiometer is turned past 12 o'clock, the saturation level increases.

There are 2-pin jumper slots on the back of the circuit board. One adjusts the general gain level, and the other adjusts the feedback level.

The general gain level can be set to x2 or x1.5. The feedback level can be set to x2 or x6.5. Channel 4 can open more gain than the other channels. This allows you to increase the level of instruments with low volume on channel 4.

J8 - Feedback Level Adjustment:

This jumper is used to adjust the feedback level. The mixer comes with the 2-pin jumper installed by default.

With the 2-pin jumper installed: Gain increases by 6.5 times.

With the 2-pin jumper removed: Gain increases by 2 times.

J3 - Gain Level Adjustment:

This jumper is used to adjust the gain level. The mixer comes with the 2-pin jumper removed by default.

With the 2-pin jumper installed: Gain increases by 2 times.

With the 2-pin jumper removed: Gain increases by 1.5 times. 


Youtube Video Playlist

Mini Mixer Manual EN
Mini Mixer Manual TR
Mini Mixer Bom List PDF
Mini Mixer iBom List (interactive)

General Soldering Instruction List EN
Genel Lehimleme Talimat Listesi TR

Mini Mixer | Standalone | DIY or Assembled

PriceFrom $49.00
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